Welcome to the Base

Greetings, Team Fortress Fan! You asked* and we provided! A website for you to browse at your leisure! Aren't we generous? Wanna Meet The Mercs? HAHA! Don't we all! This website may not be able to offer you that, but you'll get the next best thing: text on a screen!

Oh, maybe that doesn't sound as interesting as it was meant to. Hmm. We'll workshop that one.

*well, actually, you didn't. I, Gopher, just thought it would be fun to do this sort of thing and wanted validation that anyone would care about it at all. Making websites is fun, and y'all seem to enjoy the askblog, so...why not take this opportunity to mix them? If you have anything you'd want to see, you can let me know and, if nothing else, I'll consider it! Some things are DEFINITELY beyond my current ability to code, but I'm willing to learn more to make something fun!